Thursday, August 7, 2008

The City

So, just moved to Alexandria, VA, which has been a strange change of pace. I got hired by Mythic Entertainment for the Warhammer mmo launch, but I don't start until the 18th, so until then, very little to do, especially because I'm just-moved-broke.
Cecilia has been loving her job, with great and knowledgeable people working around her, and strangely a lot of responsibility heaped on from the get-go, which Cil really digs.
I am a little intimidated about the Mythic thing, mainly because I have so very little experience with MMO's - the kids at the interview screening all outnerded me by miles and miles, and I wonder, am I going to walk in here and get laughed at by a bunch of hardcore mmo nerds? At every job I've ever worked at I've been by far the nerdiest one, and yet somehow, I feel I will probably still be the black sheep by being *not* nerdy enough. Weird.
Cecilia and I went to Adam's Morgan on Saturday, and it was neat. Brimming with stuff. We saw a group of street dancers on the corner of 18th and Columbia, spinning and careening into the pavement by their hands and heads and knees. It was awesome. Then we sauntered down to the Pharmacy Bar, which, aesthetically, is easily the coolest bar I've ever been to. The motif is, well, pills and potions, with tablets and capsules embedded into table tops and illuminated shadowboxes on the wall showcasing vintage apocathary's gear and the like. The jukebox was also awesome - Big Business, Os Mutantes, Grinderman, the list goes on. Neat. We approached some people and they were very friendly, but nothing really clicked (not to say we couldn't be friends with those dudes, I mean, anything could happen, we could go back and be best friends or something, I don't know). Mostly just got advice about the area, what was cool and not cool. One of the perspectives I got was a really jaded-I've-lived-here-for-nine-years-and-I'm-done sort of view, and it was nice to hear something from a different viewpoint, but definitely not me. I mean, come on dude, I just moved here, I *am* fucking excited to be here. Give me a break geezer. Cecilia on the other hand did quite well, she had apparently pretty great conversations with a dude named Michael from Texas and a girl named Ashby who I sort of met briefly too and seemed really cool.
Last week's America's Best Dance Crew was a little caustic, wasn't it? I mean, I've never been a big Boogie Bots fan but the judges ripped into them a little much, didn't they? I can understand, given the context, that a little harsh criticism is to be expected, but to be just reemed like that on national TV? I just expected a little more from the judges. Fanny Pak's performance, on the other hand, was off the chain.
Other than that, nothing new. Can anyone suggest a MMO to prepare me for Warhammer so I don't look like a dumbass? Can anyone suggest a place to meet people in DC with good taste in music and books but who don't take themselves too seriously? Let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Write more! And spruce up this blog! I heard your g/f was pretty good at that kind of thing. I can't remember where I heard that though...I think it was on the news...

Love you! I love your writing!